Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Those Green Bangles

The day before I left Dar Es Salaam, me and Kodili, my friend from Uganda, finally bought them in the price that we offered after bargaining for so long with the shopkeeper in Mwenge. I loved them so much that I wore them the moment I bought until I left Tanzania and landed in Nepal. But the moment I landed in Nepal took them out and I haven’t worn them yet and I am happy that I can freely wear them them from today.You might be wondering what made me take them off and why suddenly from today I can wear them.

When I left Nepal it was still Ashad and women here had not gone crazy for green bangles. As most of you might not know that in Nepal we have two major working calendars, so the months are obviously going to be different. So from mid July, the month of Shrawan starts where woman wear green bangles, put on Henna tattoo and fast every Monday for the well being of their husbands and unmarried woman fast to get a good husband. I don’t know how good is defined as these fasting are also said for Lord Shiva, who is often associated with the one who smokes marijuana and addicted to opium.

Till date I have never seen a guy who would fast in the hope to get a better wife or for well being of his wife. So why husband is made so important in woman's life and wife doesn’t have any importance in his. Isn't it the way of making men important and women useless and aren’t these things make men feel they are important and are to be treated in a special way. Aren't these practices leading us more towards inequality or making women feel inferior to men?

I can wear them freely now as month of Bhadra is starting . And of course I don’t want people to speculate that I was wearing them to get a better husband. It is not that I think too much about what people would think but I don't want people to believe that few green bangles can change the person we will be marrying into a good human being.As I believe there is no relation between green bangles and the nature of the people and I don't think it can have any impact either positive or negative on people's persona. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If I retaliate I will be characterless If I voice out I will be a slut

I wore my family's honour
and walked hurriedly
trying to be on time
got into the public transportation
the uncomfortable gaze follows
me everywhere
and also the lewd remarks
the strange hands
trying to touch me
the strange eyes
judging me
If I retaliate
I will be characterless
If I voice out
I will be a slut
I get down & again
known try to get
cozy & unknown gaze
the same process
continues each day
& I struggle
Amidst managing
home, children and work